Saturday, August 9, 2014

Serious xleh blah..

Greetings to all ..long time no see.i'm basically here just to scratch bout something odd. just odd. do we,,as girls need to be desperate as soon as we turn 20? please...don't be so obvious that we don't have someone so called as lover. that is normal. just live alone then, if there is no one want us. we still have family and friends..
a friend of mine, kept mentioning on this one site,,she didn't have the special one. so,what's the problem? are freaking lonely? hearing those thing once or twice, is acceptable..but if almost every time she chose the same topic, it's annoying . having a lover is not that me. so stop nagging about u don't have a boyfriend.

study x habis lg,tp sibuk pakat nk crite pasal tunang kahwin bagai..satu je,,baik fikir mcm mne nk bayar balik loan korang study. memang la lumrah hidup berpasangan..tapi benda ni,x payah nk canang ramai dekat public.." eh,,hello!!! korang ak x de pakwe,,ak desperate ni,,cari kan ak partner sorang".. obvious kan,,,ciri2 desperate tu,, tolong la jangan penuhkan noty kite orang dgn topic2 yg x de faedah macam ni,,bila dh ade jodoh,dengan izin ALLAH, sampai la jodoh masing2,,sabar la.. x payah nk gelabah sangat.

it is just me or her,,..awkward weh nk crite pasal kawin bagai,,umur baru masuk 20...please cut the crap...stop talking about those thing,,,i'm not prejudice bout couple thing,,but we're not in the situation to worry more about love compare to worry more bout college and stuff. it's just ok if you guys want to address me  as the old nerdy,,but please don't mess up my inbox with those topic,,please,,i'm just writing here to release my hard feeling..if those who accidentally read my blog, apparently you're in same situation,  do it that important to have partner in the early age? 

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