Friday, October 25, 2013

just spill..

 why spill? why sad ? why depressed? that's just the color of life. but it was hard. when i was in that state, i don't know who should i tell, i really have no man who i can call dad, who can i share why i spill that night, for and i'm longing for it. i keep that only with myself for a long time. i must be strong for others, but peoples wont stop hurting us.
or when i story to my sister, she will ask,why? SPILL? i just can't answer, what should i answer because i really don't why i feel this way. tonight i got the weird feeling again. that wont stop disturbing again.
what should i do?
so, what  should i do?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

SALAM n greetings to all,,

kebahagiaan someone tu xleh nk diukur just dgn tgk dy punya personaliti,,certain manusia ni,,dia suka sorok even dia ad poblem sebesar alam sekalipun,,dia xkn tunjuk even dia ad family problem, finance,relationship yg sangat la complicated n macam2 lagi la,,kite tengok dia hari2 happy,,suka-suki,,tp dalam hati,,sape yg tw kn.hurm,,to think again,,to be a secretive is good,,but too secretive is not good,right?macam, mane nk tlg org2 yg mcm ni?ye la,,da kwn lame,,mesti kte tw dia punye background ke apa,,kte mesti akn tw dia ada poblem or no,,sometieme,,org yg mcm ni,,dia nk n suka if kwn dia tanya banyak2 kali,,sama ad dia ad poblem ke x,,so,,they do need more attention,,the secretive one needs more attention n care,,tapi bila family member kota yg ad problem macm ni,,akn jadi awkward kalau kte nk terlebih care,,lagi2 parents,,ap patut kte buat?kte tw dia stress,byk benda nk kene pk,,byk benda nk kene settle, banyak la,,,ap patut kte buat?

any suggestion?hurm,,kalau psl kwn,,,sng je kn,,bagi nasihat,,tlg ap yg patut,,tp family member susah kn,,sbb rapat la kita susah nk handle,,tkut tersalah just paranoid?just perasaan kita? kadang2 org dewasa x suka kte campur hal dorang tapi kita niat nk membantu,,tpkita masih dianggap budak kecik,,so cara terbaik just doa kan,,doa yg terbaik,,,contoh la,,ad sorang mak,,anak dia sngat la degil,,husband dia dh meninggal,,mcm mne nk handle ank tu? mak dia mesti stress dgn nk cari duit,,ank pulak buat hal,,mmg la letih,ap patut kte buat?as a sister,,ap patut kte buat?

dalam hidup ni,,banyak benda yg kita x expect jadi dkt kita,,kita doa nk jln yg mudah,,xnk susah2,,tp yg kita dapat susah je kan,,bila bemda ni jadi dkt kita,,yake it easy,,anggap ALLAH test kita sbb DIA syg kita,,DIA rindu nk dgr kita menangis n beribadat,...the best way,,kembali ke jaln yg benar,,ye la ckp mmg mudah sbb kte x hadap masalah yg orang lain hadap,,tp kite xtw,,esok hari kita dpt masalah,,kene think positive,,benda yg jadi bersebab..

sepanjang ak hidup,,ak rasa da bnayak kot masalah yg menimpa,,hilang org tersayang time exm penting,,hilang tempat bergantung,,jatuh bangun balik,,benda yg ak usahakn x menjadi,,effort ak sia2,,tp sebenarnya,,masalah orang lain lagi besar..Mem ak ckp,,cabaran hidup yg mematangkan kita,,orang anggap kita jahat,,x perfect,parasit ke apa,,that means we really need to change for good..
n ak pegang kata2 ni,,[change for good is not a sin]..n benda tu memng betul,,dpt je probem,,hadap je,,kalau rasa x boleh hadap,,letih sangat,,berserah,,tp ingat jangan menyerah sebelum berjuang..
apa2 kejayaan,,kene ad effort,,tp kalau kita dh bg all out,,tp still x dpt,,maknanya,,bukan masa nye lagi,kte dpt ap yg kita nk,,

so,,cheer up~~~~jgn depress dlm hidup..ingat org tersayang,,:)
credit to my problem,,i survive today,,credit for the disturbance,,i'm a tough girl today..
ALHAMDULILLAH,,terima kasih ALLAH....
Each day, consciously do something  kind for another person. step outside of your everyday routine and do at  least one nice thing for another person. it can be something big , such as depositing money into friend's account who is going through some financial difficulties , or perhaps sponsoring a child in developing country.

or it can be something small such as letting the person behind you in line at the grocery store go ahead of you. just do something kind,large or small. of course it has to be done with a pure , loving heart , with no strings attached and with no expectations of getting anything back in return. you'll be amazed what will comeback to you.

the scriptures say, ' give and it shall be given unto you.' they don't say, 'wait until your life is working and then give', or ' wait until you feel you have something to give before you give'. they simply say GIVE. you don't need to know how it will all work out; you only need to have faith that when you are committed, you will be supported. when you connect with a divine calling that is bigger than yourself, miracles await you.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


this is my second blog, the old one, deleted it because certain circumstances. i don't know whether i'm excited or not, able to write again,so i hope the readers will join me with my thoughts and random idea, aw me to shout my opinion, FREELY.