Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Kadang - kadang apabila ada yang menasihati, aku sering keliru antara aku yang ego tak nak dengar nasihat atau orang yang menasihat terlebih "over" menilai aku tanpa usul periksa sampai aku tergaru-garu kepala " Apa yang aku buat? " . Lebih teruk bila ada yang menasihat gaya-gaya diktator. Confused.
Cuba meletakkan diri sendiri dalam diri orang yang ditegur, menjadikan kita lebih berhati-hati dan berhemah dalam menegur atau menasihati orang lain.
Walau apapun, sentiasa ada cara yang baik untuk menegur atau menasihat. Ala, macam nak masuk rumah orang, mesti lah kena ketuk pintu dulu kan? Takkan main terjah . Sedangkan sesama adik beradik pun kalau nak masuk bilik kena ketuk dulu. Ke tak?
Kadang - kadang dalam masyarakat kita ini masalahnya pada yang menasihat, bukan yang dinasihati. Kemudian kita salahkan orang. " Keras kepala betul lah dia ni. " Padahal kita yang tidak berhikmah.
Just remember, treat people the way you wanna be treated. I saw so many people, the intention is so nice that they want to remind other people between what is bad and what is good. Somehow, the way they give the advice is soooo....impolite.
We are living in a society with multiple characters and personalities, so use your common sense as a human being. Be universal. Jangan nak pukul semua orang sama rata. Gitu.
Just a thought anyway. 

credit to the owner...
thanks for the great inspiration.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Serious xleh blah..

Greetings to all ..long time no see.i'm basically here just to scratch bout something odd. just odd. do we,,as girls need to be desperate as soon as we turn 20? please...don't be so obvious that we don't have someone so called as lover. that is normal. just live alone then, if there is no one want us. we still have family and friends..
a friend of mine, kept mentioning on this one site,,she didn't have the special one. so,what's the problem? are freaking lonely? hearing those thing once or twice, is acceptable..but if almost every time she chose the same topic, it's annoying . having a lover is not that great..trust me. so stop nagging about u don't have a boyfriend.

study x habis lg,tp sibuk pakat nk crite pasal tunang kahwin bagai..satu je,,baik fikir mcm mne nk bayar balik loan korang study. memang la lumrah hidup berpasangan..tapi benda ni,x payah nk canang ramai dekat public.." eh,,hello!!! korang ak x de pakwe,,ak desperate ni,,cari kan ak partner sorang".. obvious kan,,,ciri2 desperate tu,, tolong la jangan penuhkan noty kite orang dgn topic2 yg x de faedah macam ni,,bila dh ade jodoh,dengan izin ALLAH, sampai la jodoh masing2,,sabar la.. x payah nk gelabah sangat.

it is just me or her,,..awkward weh nk crite pasal kawin bagai,,umur baru masuk 20...please cut the crap...stop talking about those thing,,,i'm not prejudice bout couple thing,,but we're not in the situation to worry more about love compare to worry more bout college and stuff. it's just ok if you guys want to address me  as the old nerdy,,but please don't mess up my inbox with those topic,,please,,i'm just writing here to release my awkwardness..no hard feeling..if those who accidentally read my blog, apparently you're in same situation,  do comment..is it that important to have partner in the early age? 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

PEOPLE change but memories dont.

credit to owner. we already apologize, but,they do nothing. epic x? all of things in this world, why did this happen to me? can't you just leave a happy life. to think again, orang lain have bigger problem than me, but i just can't bear it anymore, i've tried to not being stressed just because all these silly things, but i just can't. this thing keep haunted me, it just dancing in my mind. someone just please help me overcome this, i just need a shoulder to cry n..did i do something wrong to someone the past? what have i done? am i too bad to have a happy life..

boleh tak kite hidup ni,jangan selalu buat orang rase stress and rae tak nak buat ape2 selain duduk terperuk dalam bilik? kau fikir kau sape? move on la wei..aku x nak komen lebih2..kau tak sukeorang cakap belakang pasal kau,tp lepas kite org cakap depan2,kau tak nak tegur,,ku pe hal? dah rase diri tu hebat sangat?

move on la,,,,,,please2..

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Greetings to all,.

i'm dead,that;s the word when just met sleeping partner, not members to do group assignment.
they like,ok,,lek r,,due date lambat lg,,nk gabra buat ape..the problem was,,assignment not only one,but lots,my dear friend.
i'm just wondering,u dare do nothing abd just receive marks with others effort? what a shameless dude u re..just grow up,i have nowhere to strory, because they will just say,pity u, i'm just worrying they will tired hearing my strory.
sometimes, i'm thinking,,what are you? a looser? anarkis? i dont if you even a hipster,just do your damn part!!!!
all of us even doesn't have enough time to sleep or eat,and you leisurely skip the class without finish the group assignment,you just can go die with your assignment,but not with us..what are you? you re not pretty enough to not touch the keybord and start typing the damn sentences...
even u're the daughter of the king,i just dont care,maybe other will care,,but not me,,money is not everything!!!!!!!
you can't buy your pride with money..just settle down and finish the work,,you want to go clubbing or what so ever,thats not my damn business..
u re not doing the job, and we finishing ur part,u re busy tweeting,,doesnt satisfied with our job,,are you a bimbo or what?
if u think u re good enough,,make urself free,,and finish your part,,dont let slap ur small face which looks  like it wont survive untill u live with dictators,,and more thing,,stop carrying ur lv bag to college,,not pretty at all,,disgusting!we r not interested in ur bag,,thats so lame,,old design lv's bag to college,huh..
buying those thing won't help ur grades!!!!
i just want u to finish ur damn part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

life is sooo unpredictable. we might say stuff like ,,wey bangang,,blah la dari hidup aku,
benci tahap dewa ka tengok muka kau, but at the end, we stuck with them. i mean we still be a good friends with them. i mean what a twist!!!!! so, lesson number 1, dont simply curse at your friend when they makw mistakes. well, nobody perfect.
lately, ak ada bace this one book. for sake, you guys should read it. all about the books? hurm, random thinking? simply " obey" the rules? buku tu sumpah sempoi tahap x ingat. one of the words, true love need nothing, in fact true love didnt need to be love again. loving someone is enough,,sort of..mencintai dh cukup,, xperlu dibalas dengan cinta. wuuuuuu.....leleh siot,,sumpah ayat mengayat..
aku rase aku punya blog terbengkalai.. sumpah ak sibuk..dah nk practical kot..susah wei blajar benda asing nh,,tade la asing sangat..sembang je lebih..
nak je aku delete,,tp at least boleh aku mengarut time aku stress.. malam nih? xdela stress sangat,, just rase lega,, sbb ak dh siapkan group work,,yang dh macam memang keje aku sorang.
dorang just take me for granted, ingat korang dh dean every sem,,keje main buat derkk je,,
ish,,korang2...kot ade yg tersesat bace blog aku,,jangan la buat time blajar,,nak blajar,,buat betul2..kesian sikit dekat pihak penaja..x kesahla korang under scholar ape...
back to main point. ak sem nih,,nk citer sikit..sebab rezeki aku,,dapat la naik satu level,,( ini semua poyo!!)..tp classmates aku,,ad je yg pemalas,,boleh nk kira je sape yg rajin..dorang memang dilahirkan bijak pandai..ehh,,ye ke?
ke ak je yg memandai?
hurmm, nampak tak permainan aku? dh stat mencarut kann..means i've got nothing to scratch...
lagi satu,,hari tu ade irg ckp dkt aku,,motivation kot,,tp bahase ala1 noise grinders sikit..wey,,da kau minat bende tu,,buat je la,,peduli jadah ape org kate,,bukan kau pakai duit mak bapak dorang punn..
so aku nk share,,so kalau ade cita2 di jalan yg benar,,easy je,,mintak restu parents,,and go for it,,peduli hapa orang nk ckp ape,,peduli magkuk jambang masing3 la...kannn..
k...la..got to go..
p/s: biar orang nampak sikit kite ni desperate nk maju dlm hidup,,jangan bg orang nampak kite nh desperate nk cari balak n mata air je...jage sikit maruah....